Driving Demand


High class on a tight budget. 


A new company, with zero brand recognition, no real product and no revenue… looking to make a splash.


Establish credibility and become top-of-mind with key decision makers for less than $1k. 


Create a co-branded Tile to gift to key contacts, reminding them of what we do, and associating ourselves with key value props.


Our target audience took our brand with them, reinforcing our core value prop and had a part in closing 2 sales. For under $1k.


When you have a new product, no budget and set big goals to land big clients, you need to whip up something special.  This was a classic “growth hack” that achieved big goals without big spend. 

I did it by:

  • Providing value for potential prospects without asking for anything in return.
  • Creating a product that allowed my to “personalize” efficiently while retaining an authentic feel.
  • Marketing with surgical precision
  • Focusing on positive brand awareness and association

Total Investment: $1,000

Campaign: Co-brand a Tile Bluetooth Tracking Token. Associating their product as the “most advanced finding solution” with our “search solution”.


  • 40 Targeted Recipients 
  • 12 Conversations
  • 2 Top Clients within 6 months
  • Countless pairs of keys found

The most wonderful time...

Who doesn’t like a nice gift around the Holidays? This one resonated because we associated our value prop with a complementary established one. 

Add Value

I find success in providing value for potential clients without asking a lot in return. If you can find a way to do it efficiently, it can be an extremely valuable demand tool.

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Recent Tools... and other Good Stuff