Sales Leadership and Strategy

Winning Pitch

A critical pitch, created from scratch, selling things that technically didn’t yet exist. 


Rakuten Chief Data Officer asked for help selling our NLP technology into Rakuten.


Sell a product that currently was not in existence to a top global company.


Construct a storyline around the power of our tech, cost / benefit, and cultural alignment.


Largest sale to date with forecasted ARR of $2MM+ at deal close.


Challenges to overcome when bringing a new product to market include:
  • Helping clients see your vision
  • Showing them why they should care
  • Convincing them you can do something you haven’t done yet

This deck accomplished all 3. 

The biggest challenge in creating this story was taking 50+ pages of information no one cares about and consolidating it into 5 pages about which our audience does care.

The Vision

One slide consolidating lots of value props into 2. 

Why they care

One page breaking out the “WIFM” for each thing we are pitching. 

Trust Us

Hyping some early success and combine with a fancy dashboard.

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