Sales Leadership and Strategy

Customer Success Team

As sales teams grow and succeed, the need for a dedicated Customer Success team becomes essential. Here’s how I built ours to support that growth.

The Challenge

Building a Customer Success team to support and enhance the success of the sales team I had previously built.

The Objective

Develop a strategic team focused on client retention and growth, thereby enabling the sales team to drive new revenue streams.

The Approach

Leverage best practices and customize them to scale. Clarified cross-functional roles, and implement an iterative process to refine and optimize execution. 

The Impact

We’ve got a Winner! Industry recognition, top and bottom line growth.


Overcoming Challenges When Building Your First Customer Success Team:

  • Crafting a Clear Vision: Develop a compelling vision for your Customer Success team that not only aligns with the company’s goals but also gains leadership support.
  • Securing Buy-In: Effectively communicate the value of the Customer Success team to both leaders and team members to ensure their full commitment.
  • Implementing with Precision: Execute your plan with careful consideration to avoid disruptions and maintain organizational stability during the transition.

Why This Plan Worked:

  • Learning from Real Experience and Experts: I combined what I’ve seen work at other companies with best practices from industry experts, tailoring those lessons to fit our specific needs.
  • Building with the Future in Mind: Since we were starting from scratch, we could design the team to not just meet today’s needs but to be ready for where Customer Success is going.
  • Getting the Details Right: By focusing on the specifics, we avoided common pitfalls and kept things on track, making sure our plan was practical and grounded.

Define Success

Understanding industry benchmarks and starting strong.

Clarifying Roles

Ensuring everyone knows their role for smoother operations.


Innovating to meet evolving customer needs.

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